Your masculine and feminine energies

Regardless of our gender, we are a combination of both masculine and feminine energies. Keeping both in balance is key to moving forward in life.

I used to think that being in your feminine energy meant wearing floaty dresses and letting my hair down. As I started looking into things more deeply on my spiritual journey, I realised that we all have masculine and feminine aspects within us and that both are needed to move us forward in life.

My experiences of being out of balance

While I was growing up I saw my dad going out to work as a crane driver in a foundry seven days a week. It was the blood, sweat and tears kind of work which involved hard labour in a hot environment with a furnace. I very rarely saw my dad just relaxing. He, along with my mum had four kids to bring up. I quickly took on the belief that you always had to be hustling and grinding to make things happen. This is what the masculine energy is within us. It’s the doing part and taking action to make things happen. We need the masculine energy but if it’s dominating the feminine energy, then we cannot truly move forward in life.

I was very much in my masculine energy in the early years of my working life and took on a lot of the beliefs of my dad in relation to hard work, until I realised my life was out of balance and I wasn’t open to receiving and allowing things to unfold in my life. I was giving of myself but not open to receiving. I didn’t feel comfortable when I had time on my hands. I thought I had to do something with the time and always be productive. Just to sit and stare out of the window or to relax and do absolutely nothing was an alien concept to me

Everyone is born with feminine and masculine energies. Yin is associated with feminine energy and yang with the masculine energy. Both energies are incomplete without each other.

What is the feminine energy?

Feminine energy is receptive, allowing, intuitive, creative, compassionate, understanding and nurturing. It is the ‘being’ rather than the ‘doing.’ When you are nurturing yourself on all levels, mind, body and spirit, you are in your feminine energy.  Meditating, resting or being still and getting in touch with the inner voice of your intuition is being in your feminine energy. 

When you are receiving anything whether that is support from others or something physical/material, your feminine energy is balanced. The feminine energy also enjoys dreaming the world into what it wants to experience and then allowing it to unfold. When your feminine energy is out of balance or too dominant, you may feel unfocused, unsupported or scattered and lacking in purpose or direction.

What is the masculine energy?

This is to do with taking action, using logic, analysing things, leadership, focus and making things happen in the world. Masculine energy is also about giving out to others. When the masculine energy within you dominates, you may feel stressed, tired, overworked, not valued or appreciated. You may have a hard time nurturing yourself or feeling nurtured.

We need a balance of both energies

To move forward in life we need a harmonious balance of both masculine and feminine energies. One without the other is like a table without all its legs. One way I personally bring both energies into balance is through using The Balance Procedure (TBP). Within the 9 energy symbol cards (see image above), the star formation is masculine energy while the vessel that contains the star is the feminine. On a subconscious level you are automatically balancing both energies when you use TBP. Since using TBP I am much more relaxed about just ‘being’ and ‘allowing’ and not feeling the need to ‘do, do, do’ all the time. It’s also been beautiful to see things manifesting in my life with much more ease and flow as a result of being in that space of allowing things to come in.

Over to you!

Notice during the coming week when you are in your masculine and when you are in your feminine energy. Do you feel out of balance with one being more dominant over the other? What do you do to bring both these aspects of you into balance?

To delve deeper into this aspect of you and discover how you can learn The Balance Procedure head over to the link below:

Categories: : Creating balance, Relaxation, Your body’s energy system