Dowsing through using your body as a pendulum

How to tap into the wisdom that your body holds and use it to move you forward.

The mind/body connection

Your body is very much connected to your subconscious mind and the body never lies. There are many techniques out there which tap into the wisdom of the body to give you messages from your subconscious mind (that powerful part of your mind which you are not aware of and is the key to lasting change. Refer to a previous blog on the subconscious mind).

The body can also be used as a pendulum to bring through higher wisdom and connect to your higher self which has your best interests at heart. We could use the analogy of a tall building where you can stand at the top and have a 360 degree panoramic view of everything. The higher self is where you can see the bigger picture of your life away from the voice of the ego.

The sway test

Muscle Testing for example is based upon Kinesiology. This can be used to check true or false statements and to find out whether something is beneficial for you.

You can also use the sway test to ask a question and wait for your body to respond in either a forward swaying or backward swaying movement.

To start with you can follow the steps below to get answers from your body to simple questions:

  1. 1. Stand still and get yourself into a calm state.
  1. 2. Close your eyes and ask your body, “please show me a YES”. Staying relaxed feel which way your body is swaying.
  1. 3. Take a breath and come back to centre, and ask your body to show you a NO. Note which way your body is swaying (either forward or backward)
  1. 4. You can now ask a simple question which is specific. For example, “is eating wheat beneficial for my body right now?’’ or “Is my caffeine intake causing my migraines” or “is this product safe for me to consume.”
  1. 5. Relax and allow your body to answer with a yes or no.

I personally used this to find out whether certain things were beneficial for me when I had an underactive thyroid. I felt my throat constricting after I ate spinach. So I stood up with my feet hip width apart and asked the question, ‘Is spinach beneficial for my body right now?’ My body then swayed backwards to indicate a NO.

Dowsing with the body in The Balance Procedure

The Balance Procedure (TBP) is NOT based on Kinesiology or the ‘Yes’ ‘No’ sway test. However, it uses the body to dowse, like a pendulum to see if a person is in balance or out of balance with the 9 energy symbol cards when they are placed on the balance centre (centre of your chest or heart chakra). You can quickly see whether your subconscious mind and your energy is supporting your intentions or limiting them and then you can balance this up using TBP.

What can TBP be used for?

Absolutely anything:

  • Relationships
  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Instant relaxation on the go
  • Career/job
  • Fears/phobias
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Goal/intention setting
  • Dealing with negative thoughts and belief patterns
  • Feeling better emotionally.

Over to you

Have a go at following steps 1 to 5 above to ask your body a simple question which has a yes or no answer. Start with basic things such as whether certain foods or products are beneficial for you.

If you have the Balance Procedure symbol cards, then you can check whether your energy is in balance with your intentions or goals. Remember this is different to the yes/no sway test in Kinesiology but both of these procedures get you to tune into the messages that your body is giving you about what your mind and energy are doing. It’s the connection between the mind and the body that is being demonstrated in both cases although they are different and distinct modalities. TBP does not use Kinesiology. Instead it uses the ancient technique of dowsing (using your body as a pendulum) with a modern energy balancing procedure. It is designed to be simple and quick to deal with the demands of our fast paced modern world. To take a deeper dive into TBP, head over to the link below:

Categories: : Relaxation, Stress, Wellbeing, the subconscious min