Is your subconscious mind supporting your intentions?

What would really support your intention setting? How you can programme your subconscious mind for success.

Who is running your show?

Your subconscious mind is a store house for everything that is not in your conscious mind. The subconscious is where all your beliefs, your memories, previous experiences and your skills are ‘housed.’ You may not even realise that your subconscious mind is ‘running the show’ and playing out programmes (beliefs, habits, patterns) that keep you stuck in repetitive cycles of behaviours.

Do you keep repeating certain patterns?

You may wonder why you keep meeting the same kind of people in relationships or why money seems to elude you despite your best efforts. So, for example, I used to have the belief that you have to work hard to make money. I took this on as a child after watching my dad work seven days a week and not taking time to rest. So, for me, things didn’t come easily when it came to work and money and I would end up ‘slogging’ it out and wondering why my efforts didn’t amount to much.  

The power of your subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is significantly more powerful than the conscious mind and we may end up living our lives from this part of our mind 95 percent of the time or more.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all the involuntary actions you take without thinking about it such as breathing, digestion and your heart beat. Your emotions and beliefs are also part of your subconscious mind. When we learn a new skill and keep repeating it, we can carry it out without much thought as we have committed it to the subconscious mind with repetition. Your subconscious mind lacks reasoning and logic. It is not rational and is subject to habit and repetition.

How does your conscious mind differ?

Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that you are aware of. If we liken it to an iceberg in the sea, it is the part of the iceberg (the tip) you can see above the water’s surface and you are aware of.  The subconscious mind is the part of the iceberg below the water’s surface that you cannot see and are not aware of. Your conscious mind is logical and able to reason. It controls the actions you take.

You can consciously make a decision that you are going to work to achieve a particular goal or desired outcome. However, your subconscious mind can sabotage this intention with the beliefs and habits that are part of your programming. Your subconscious mind is like a computer operating system with files stored on there which are your beliefs and habits. If your file contains the belief that ‘I am not worthy’ then you can take all the action in the world and not achieve your goal.

If your ‘files’ don’t support your goals, then nothing you do, learn or know will make a difference. Only by changing the subconscious programming will you be able to achieve the success you want in any particular area of your life.

So, how do you change your subconscious programming?

There are many ways you can do this but one of the most powerful and lasting ways is to work with it on an energetic level. In particular, when we work with the heart energy we can ‘programme’ it to send messages to the brain and the rest of the body and overcome the subconscious programming that may be getting in your way. The heart emits an electromagnetic field that is 5000 times more powerful than that emitted by the brain. (more on this in another update). The Balance Procedure is a powerful energy technique which harnesses the heart energy to over-ride any subconscious programming that may be limiting you. It ‘reprogrammes’ your subconscious mind for success without you having to ‘talk’ to it and tell it.

Simply being aware of your limiting programmes is not enough to change them. The key to lasting change is energetically replacing those programmes and rewiring your energy to align it to your highest potential.

Over to you

Are you aware of any limiting programmes (beliefs, habits, patterns) that have been keeping you repeating the same results in one particular area of your life?

Have you tried to over-ride these programmes using any particular tools? I’d love to hear from you so feel free to share your experiences.

Categories: : the subconscious mind, Your body’s energy system