Your heart as a powerful energetic messenger

How you can tap into your heart's innate intelligence and wisdom. Why is the heart so magnetically powerful?

The heart starts pumping in the unborn foetus before the brain has been formed. We know about the importance of the heart on a physical level but why is it so significant on an energetic level?

The heart chakra (energetically located in the centre of the chest) acts as a bridge between our physical (lower 3 chakras) and spiritual aspects (higher 3 chakras). Chakras (an ancient Indian word) are spinning wheels of energy that allow energy to flow through the body. They can become blocked by stress, anxiety and emotional upheaval.

The science behind the heart energy

As Gregg Braden (Scientist and New York Times bestselling author) points out, there is more communication going from the heart to the brain than from the brain to the heart due to their being many more fibres going from the heart. This is what is called the neurobiology of the heart in scientific terms. The heart has a nervous system and you can ‘think with your heart.’

The magnetic field of the heart is 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with scientific equipment.

How can we tap into the heart’s innate wisdom & intelligence?

  • When you feel love, compassion or gratitude, you are tapping into the heart energy and strengthening it.
  • When you take slow deep breaths, you are quietening your mind and calming down your nervous system. This creates the space to tap into your heart’s wisdom.
  • When you place your hand on the centre of your chest (your heart chakra) you stabilise and calm your energy system. We can do this by default when we have experienced a shock. We can use it with intention in the relaxation/energy technique called The Balance Procedure (TBP) along with the 9 symbol cards and the breath. TBP works with the heart energy as the heart is such a powerful ‘messenger’ which relays your intentions to the rest of your body, changes your energy and taps into your subconscious mind which is the key to lasting change.

Is your heart energy in balance?
One sign that my heart chakra was out of balance was that I found it hard to receive even though I loved to give.  I learnt this lesson the hard way by having an accident where I tore a ligament in my foot and then had no choice but to receive support from others while I recovered. It may also be the other way around where you find it hard to give even though you can receive. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.

The energy of your heart centre
Your heart chakra is your centre of unconditional love, self- acceptance and compassion. Its energy embodies the qualities of balance, harmony, equality and unity. When it is balanced, we feel able to give and receive, feel at peace with ourselves and others and have compassion for others.

Over to you

The next time you make a decision, place your hand on your heart, take a few slow deep breaths and ask your heart a question. The answer will come in its own time without you thinking about it. Also, where can you bring more love, compassion and gratitude into your life? Finally, have you explored how you can directly influence your heart energy using The Balance Procedure?

Categories: : Creating balance, Relaxation, Self love, Your body’s energy system