"A fantastic programme! I now have techniques to help me relax and put the stresses of my life to one side. It has already had an impact on my sleep. "
Kathy Anne
"A very rewarding programme that benefits individuals with their self-worth and self-care. The relaxations and meditations were wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have learned to devote quality time out for myself, nourish my inner self, become more confident and strong to tackle situations I experience. "
Jennie Arch
"After working with Narinder, the way I deal with stress has greatly improved. I now take things in my stride and use The Balance Procedure and breathing techniques to stay focused."
Lindsey Reid
After experiencing burnout, breakdown and illness during my teaching career in secondary schools in the UK, I knew something had to change. Physically and emotionally exhausted and 2 stones heavier after an under active thyroid condition, I began exploring holistic ways to boost my wellbeing and experience greater calm and balance in my life.
Becoming medication free was a turning point for me after using a combination of different holistic modalities and working with a naturopath and Energy Practitioner who supported me on my wellness journey. I was needing to walk my talk and this was testimony to the power of having a wellbeing coach to support me as well as the tools I used on myself and share with others.
In 2012 I trained as a Trainer in the Balance Procedure which is a relaxation/energy technique that works on all levels: mind, body and spirit. I also channel meditations to guide others on their journey. In 2019 I became an author of a book that supports individuals with emotional/spiritual/ mental health and wellbeing, enables a deeper connection with yourself, get clarity on your next steps, process different emotions that may come up for you and connect with your intuitive guidance.
I have successfully delivered wellbeing programmes online and in community settings which have received Local Authority support. I have enjoyed sharing wellbeing tools and techniques while making an appearance on Kanshi TV on SKY and Talk Radio Europe..
It’s time to truly unlock more of your gifts by getting out of your own way, spend more time feeling better emotionally and physically, be able to relax and get in your flow so that you can shine from the inside and create more of the juicy experiences you are here to create and share.
A journey through the energy centres of your body using powerful techniques to balance them.
Learn how you can relax, harness your body’s energy, feel better emotionally, deal with limiting beliefs and create to your highest potential by using The Balance Procedure TBP which is accredited in 26 countries worldwide. A workbook is included for you to deepen your understanding and set powerful intentions using TBP. You can either print it off or write in your workbook digitally if you want to save printing. Connect with the energy of each of the 9 symbol cards over the 12 week programme and really hone your experience of using TBP together in a supportive group. Get an extra 3 months of support in a private Facebook group to implement what you have learnt after you have completed the 12 week programme.
Learn how to use yoga postures and breathing techniques to connect you with your energy centres and get the energy flowing with a guest yoga teacher. Each module provides you with bitesize videos you can easily incorporate into your routine.
Take a guided journey to strengthen your connection to your energy centres through powerful meditations, which amplify your manifestations, relax you and enable you to get in the flow.
A private Facebook group for ongoing support, connection and inspiration.
Monthly group sessions via livestream into a private facebook group to answer any questions, clarify further and connect with each other.
Fantastic guest facilitators who share their years of experience to support you with your wellbeing in a holistic way.
Use the power of herbs to enhance your wellbeing on all levels with a qualified guest herbalist. Each module provides bitesize videos that share things you can easily access at home or in your garden.
You can take it entirely at your own pace at a time to suit your schedule.
Yes, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback directly from myself on a monthly livestream in a private Facebook group. You can also submit questions prior to the livestream if you are unable to join at the planned time. There will be opportunities for you to share your experiences and get any further clarity on any aspect of the programme.
Once you have registered for the programme, there are no refunds as it means you have full access to the content in the programme and the module that is released during that time and any modules thereafter.
Each module will be released at intervals to allow time to absorb and implement.
No health/wellbeing guarantees can be made and this programme is not a replacement for conventional medicine.
The practitioners in the programme, including myself, cannot be held responsible for your results.
The progress you make as with anything, depends on how you implement the techniques in the programme over time.
"I know that you already know what a powerful, unique and beautiful being you are although you may not always allow yourself to be. I know because I made a full time job of getting in my own way and went from burnout and breakdown to sharing the transformational tools that I am so passionate about because of the impact they had on me. It’s truly heart opening for me to be able to share with you simple, powerful tools to relax, get in your flow, feel better emotionally, transform beliefs so that you can shine brighter and create more of the experiences you truly want and love."
Narinder Moore